#5 “The Proposal” - “The Proposal” was definitely more of a flub-up than an award winner. Sandra Bullock seems to have more of an uncanny annoyance about her than a charming wittiness that she used to encompass in her latter movies. Though I must say that her inappropriate butt dance singing “From the windows to the walls...” was definitely entertaining to say the least. You know, I ended up watching this movie three times this summer and each time was no better than the first time I saw it. In fact, I think it got more unbelievable and irritating. Because who really in their right mind would want to marry a control freak who was mean to everyone she met? Yet, even though this made my top five “worst” list, there was a very redeeming quality. Two words: Ryan Reynolds. That is one very fine boy which makes any movie shine just a little brighter.
#4 “I Love You, Beth Cooper” - Okay, I just want to say – for the record – that the stupid high school movie is very overdone. Even though “I Love You, Beth Cooper” did star Hayden Panetierre as Beth Cooper, the awesome cheerleader from “Heroes,” the story line is just so unbelievable. Gorgeous cheerleaders that look like Beth Cooper don't go for geeky guys like the valedictorian in this film. They go for the dumb jocks who look like supermodels; and even though it is nice to think that people can break from the mold of attraction based upon appearances, people rarely do. So the unrealistic aspect of this movie outweighed any of the beneficial messages they were attempting to send.
#3 “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” - I usually love Matthew McGonaughey and Jennifer Garner movies. Being a star-cast, you would think it would be a give-in that the film would be a good one. But that just isn't the case with “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past.” Matthew McGonaughey plays Connor Mead, a complete man-whore who happens to sleep with every girl he comes into contact with. And once he has sexually conquered the next woman in his path, he moves on to the next one, emotionally securing his inability to commit to one girl. Yet somewhere along the lines, he somewhat falls in love with his childhood sweetheart Jenny who just watches Connor sleep with multiple women. It is the typical Ebeneezer Scrooge scenario where Connor Mead has a total change of heart and wants to be in love and committed to only one woman, which conveniently happens to be Jenny who has always had a thing for him. But really, what woman in her right mind would forgive a guy who has hurt her and let her down at every turn, probably has picked up a few diseases and has slept with so many woman that she probably couldn't count that high if she tried? Quite frankly, guys like that don't deserve nice girls like Jenny. There was a nice guy alternative – and to tell you the truth, I was rooting for him to win Jenny's heart, not Connor Mead.
#2 “Year One” - So, “Year One” did have it's entertaining parts for sure, but it had an overwhelming amount of inappropriately interpreted biblical scenes which got its ranking as the second-worst movie of the summer in my book. Though Jack Black and Michael Cera are hilarious, their entertainment abilities could only go so far. The depiction of Cain murdering Abel, Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac and the happenings in Gomorrah were not only inappropriate but rudely constructed and probably offended the majority of the Christian community. These unbelievably rude scenes were endless and completely ruined the potential of what looked to be a pretty decent film by the advertisements.
#1 “Funny People” - This movie was BY FAR one of THE WORST movies I have ever seen, not just for the summer, but in my entire life. This movie was in NO way funny and anyone who thought so should get their head checked. Adam Sandler is this has-been comedian who finds out he's going to die, so he's really depressed and pulls everyone down with him. If you haven't got your fix of disgusting jokes, inappropriate insinuations and gross sexual innuendos, then I guess “Funny People” would be one you'd want to see. But really, this movie was so awful that it seemed to drag on and on; it felt as if it was going at a pace correlative to someone with a fifty pound weight tied to each ankle as they try to drudge through a mile-long mud pit. I was ready to leave within five minutes, so two and half hours was just torture.

#5 “X-Men: Wolverine” - It seems like the comic book movies seem to be getting better and better. I really enjoyed watching the life of Wolverine prior to the first X-Men unfold and explain why Logan is the way he is. The film was action-packed, gave an inside look into how the love of his life impacted his demeanor, showed how Logan came to be named Wolverine, introduced Sabertooth for future X-Men films, and also had sexy Ryan Reynolds in it. Just kidding; that was a plus though. The only part I disliked was the fact that it was so over the top; there is no way that someone could sail through the sky at a helicopter and prevail. But overall, “X-Men: Wolverine” exceeded expectations.
#4 “Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince” - Ever since the production of the third Harry Potter film, it seems like this series has become a knock-out blockbuster hit (especially considering the turn out for the first showing – you know, the hundreds of people lined up outside the theatre hours prior, perhaps even spending an entire night camped out, just to see the first showing). “Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince” was no exception. The sixth installment was comical, light-hearted, intense and overall just very well done. Having read the books prior to watching the movies, I would have to say that the producers of the Harry Potter films do an excellent job of capturing how I imagine J.K. Rowling intended her story to unfold.
#3 “G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra” - Though I am no G.I. Joe expert and I did not play with the little soldier figurines as a kid, I've been told that the title for this film did not fit with the film itself. I would agree, I don't really think there were many similarities enough to slap the “G.I Joe” title on this movie other than the fact that these guys were soldiers and they had cool outfits. Perhaps it should have just been called “Rise of the Cobra.” But other than that fact, this film was action-packed and really fast-paced. The special effects were amazing and Channing Tatum was definitely worth the watch!
#2 “Star Trek” - Okay, so I am no trekkie. My mom is, but I've never been a fan of the outer space films and series (i.e. “Star Wars,” “Star Trek”). But I really have to make an exception for the new “Star Trek” movie by saying that it's definitely not a nerd fest. The special effects, the graphics, and the story line was just amazing. The cast seemed perfectly selected and was all-around just a great film. If the Star Trek show looked as good as the “Star Trek” film did, I would have been a trekkie a long time ago!
#1 “The Perfect Getaway” - It's rare to completely “wow” me with a movie, but “The Perfect Getaway” definitely knocked my socks off! I haven't seen a movie that spectacular in a very long time. Steve Zahn and Timothy Olyphant steal the show with their fantastic acting skills. And this movie is just such a mind trip! There were three couples which you couldn't quite trust and didn't know whether what they were saying was the truth or whether they were spouting lies in order to hide their murderous tendencies. There was such a great ending twist that it was a great mind refresher. There was no better movie than “The Perfect Getaway” to get the #1 position as best movie for the summer. Fantastic!

So there you have it: the top 5 worst and best movies of the summer. If you haven't yet seen the #1 film, “The Perfect Getaway,” I would advise you to get over to the theatre before it goes out!
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