As most of you probably noticed if you watched any advertisements for this film, the notable actor cast in “Inglourious Basterds” is Brad Pitt. I wouldn't exactly say that Pitt was the best casting choice as the gruff “Apache injun” leader of the Inglourious Basterds who is itchin' to kill him some “Natzees,” but he definitely entertained. Though Brad Pitt is a very talented actor and does a great job in whatever role he endeavors, I don't think Lt. Aldo Raine was his role to fill. There are quite a few actors who would have done an excellent job of being the lean, mean Nazi-fighting machine without causing the audience to crack a smile at – what Pitt interpreted on screen as a ridiculously outlandish accent and scrunched-up facial expressions. Yet, I think Quentin Tarantino specifically cast Pitt for comic relief – because he was such an unlikely and flippant character who stuck out like an orange in a pile of grapes.
Another character who does a phenomenal job of being absolutely creepy and insatiably annoying is this ornery little Nazi man – Colonel Hans Landa, played by Christophe Waltz. In every scene you see this weaselly little colonel, you can't help but squirm and feel like you're being interrogated yourself. The colonel is one of the worst Nazis you could even imagine because he's one of those who has a smile eternally plastered on his face while he tells you joyously that you're about to suffer the most immeasurable amount of pain humanly possible. Again, I think Tarantino specifically chose Waltz – and rightfully so – to be this insanely calm psychopath. I have to give props to the sadistic little colonel though, because I loathed him from beginning to end without fail!
Plot-wise, the story was interesting to say the least. Tarantino took a very touchy subject in our history and sort of turned it into an escalated blood fest absurdity. I think anyone who is familiar with Tarantino's work knows to be forewarned about the excessive gore and “Inglourious Basterds” is definitely another nice blood bath trophy to add to his wall of accomplishments.
I don't know if I'm in the minority here, but I really don't enjoy watching body mutilation of any kind. It makes me squeamish and my natural reaction is to hide my eyes from all the pain someone is enduring. Well, I think I saw about a third of this movie through the clutches of slightly-parted fingers, which is by far one of the worst gore movies I've seen in awhile. So, if you don't mind the blood spurting, the guts spilling and the gore overflowing, “Inglourious Basterds” won't bother you at all; but for all of you with a weaker stomach or more accurately – a conscience, you may feel differently and should steer clear.
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